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Non-Dairy Organic Coconut Creamer

Boardwalk Beans

Organic Coconut Creamer

Try our coconut creamer as a wonderful addition to MycoSpectrum™, your coffee, your chais, and your teas!  We originally developed our non-dairy creamer to help support the synergistic effects of our MycoSpectrum™ products. 

We sourced the very best organic coconut milk powder and coconut-derived MCT oil powder for healthy and delicious alternative to dairy milks and creams. Our ingredients are fairly traded, organic, come from a GMP lab facility, and are 3rd party tested for potency and purity

Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) have become increasingly popular as more and more people consume healthy, plant-based fats and follow ketogenic diets (low net carbohydrate, adequate protein and high fat). 

Most fats in the animals or plants that we eat are made up of long-chain triglycerides (or LCTs), which have more than 12 carbon molecules. LCT fats include those found in meat, fish, avocados, nuts, seeds and soybean oil. MCTs, on the other hand, are naturally occurring only in coconut and palm oil, human breast milk, and in full-fat cow and goat milk.

Medium-chain fatty acids, like those found in our organic non-dairy creamer, behave differently in the body compared to long-chain fatty acids. The medium-chain fatty acids are more easily absorbed. They do not require bile or pancreatic enzymes to be digested and they are transported directly to the liver to be used as an immediate source of energy. Long-chain fatty acids, on the other hand, have to go through several other digestive steps and are transported around the body before making their way to the liver. 

Because medium-chain fatty acids are more readily absorbed, MCT oil has several health benefits. MCT oil can be beneficial for people with fat absorption disorders such as cystic fibrosis, irritable bowel diseases including Crohn’s disease, pancreatitis, short bowel syndrome, celiac disease, or after certain gastrointestinal surgeries. In addition, MCT oil used alongside a ketogenic diet may help to treat and reduce seizures in people with epilepsy.*  

Additionally, the acacia fiber in our MCT oil powders acts as a prebiotic, beneficial for gut health. Our MCT oil also contains 2% organic tapioca maltodextrin derived from yuca root. This ingredient is used to create powder from liquid and is found in all MCT oil powder, no matter the brand. 

We strongly recommend trying our creamer sweetened with organic Maple Syrup Sugar that contains more than 50 beneficial compounds including carbohydrates, amino acids, organic acids, vitamins, minerals, plant hormones, and phytonutrients, especially polyphenols, and provides a truly healthy alternative to most natural sweeteners. It is much lower on the glycemic index than nearly all sugars, but most importantly, maple syrup also contains a powerful polyphenol, Quebecol, that inhibits inflammatory responses and it is unique, found only in maple syrup sugar. In addition to its anti-inflammatory benefit, maple syrup also improves lipid oxidation in the breakdown of fats, and it improves insulin response. 

Combined with coconut-derived MCT oil and organic coconut milk powders, this combination makes for a truly synergetic experience!

There are approximately Thirty (30) servings of 1 rounded tablespoon for Sweetened and Thirty (30) servings of 2 teaspoons  of Unsweetened.


100% Organic, Vegan, Non-GMO, Kosher, Gluten-Free, Sustainable



Arnaud, Cecelia Henry. ACS Meeting News: Looking Beyond the Sugar in Sweeteners. American Chemical Society. Chemical and Engineering News. 14 Apr. 2014. Vol. 92 Issue 15. https://cen.acs.org/articles/92/i15/ACS-Meeting-News-Looking-Beyond.html

Cardinal S, Azelmat J, Grenier D, Voyer N.Anti-inflammatory properties of quebecol and its derivatives. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2016 Jan 15;26(2):440-444. doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2015.11.096. Epub 2015 Nov 27. PMID: 26691759. 

Yu S, Go GW, Kim W. Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) Oil Affects the Immunophenotype via Reprogramming of Mitochondrial Respiration in Murine Macrophages. Foods. 2019 Nov 5;8(11):553. doi: 10.3390/foods8110553. PMID: 31694322; PMCID: PMC6915711.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Collections: MycoSpectrum™ Collection

Category: Coconut Milk, Maple Syrup, MCT Oil, Non-Dairy Creamer

Type: Unknown Type