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Mexico Sierra Madre Fair Trade Organic

Boardwalk Beans

Whole Bean and Grinding Options

Originating in the southern-most state in Mexico, Chiapas, boasts a high sweetness, as well as nice brightness with caramel, peach, and tangerine notes in a rich, full body. Roasts best at medium, but can also handle darker roasts.

The Federación de Sociedades Cooperativas Cafetaleras de la Sierra Madre FC de RL (FEDESI) is located in Chiapas, Mexico, and is composed of six coffee groups throughout many municipalities of Chiapas. Surrounded by the Sierra Madre mountains, their coffee is grown at high altitudes (1,000 - 1,900 meters above sea level) which contribute to the complex flavors that you will taste in your cup.

Location- Chiapas, Mexico 

Altitude- 3,280 ft - 6,233 ft (1,000 m -1,900 m) 


Varietal-  Bourbon, Caturra, Catimor 

Process- Fully Washed

Drying- Sun-dried patio