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Sumatra "Blue Tiger" Mandheling FTO

Boardwalk Beans

Whole Bean and Grinding Options

Blue Tiger is a unique Sumatra Mandheling in that it is comprised of naturally occurring hybrids. While maintaining the caffeine kick of a robusta (also making it drought-resistant), the trees evolved to become like the sweet Arabica coffee we so enjoy! Expect a fuller body with increased sweetness, and low acid/brightness with molasses and dark chocolate notes. 

Bener Meriah is nestled around the northern shore of Lake Laut Tawar and dominated by the Bur ni Telong Volcano that peaks at nearly 8,600 ft. Boardwalk Beans loves buying coffee that is priced for Fair Trade, because we know the value and importance of creating a healthy world economy through the betterment of the farms and families that produce our outstanding coffee.

Location: Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia

Altitude: 3,937 - 5,249 ft (1,400 - 1,600 m)

Variety: Catimor/TimTim

Process: Wet Hulled

Drying: Patio Dried